A lot of times a person may develop sinus headache without being aware of it, and out of this matter to you today through this article important information about a sinus headache.

Sinus headache, its causes

It is possible to be accompanied by a sinus headache sinusitis is a condition in which the membranes lining the pockets of the person open and inflamed, it is possible that the patient feels pressure around the eyes, cheeks and forehead are. In the case of a sinus headache channels or pipes that connect the sinuses become to the back of the inflamed nose and could not sinuses cleaned naturally, pressure may build up in the inside, and in this case we link headache swelling of the sinuses and inflammation of lining which leads to increased secretion mucus and fluids, and this increase has caused a sinus headache pain.

Symptoms of a sinus headache

In many cases, symptoms include headache, sinus pain and pressure and fullness in the cheeks when the person in the brow or forehead with the pain worsens when bending forward and lie down. Besides it may shed the blood of Alonfein and associated status with a stuffy nose and sore throat. In many cases the patient suffers from fever and fatigue with a feeling of pain in the upper teeth have the smell of smell is affected when the patient. It is possible that the patient is suffering from swelling of the lymph glands in the neck spoke no different topic for any inflammation of the glands else.

If symptoms persist for longer than 10 days Consult a physician if you have a severe headache know that the sinuses may be affected so it does not matter Thmiloa.

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