Red meat is the double-edged sword foodstuff containing many of the benefits that benefit the human body at the same time is a dietary source of risk for being Baaah carries many health risks to humans. The eating meat involves great fun for some, as it is not without their meals from a piece of meat, to be the main source of their food on a daily basis, but it may also be harmful to their health, especially for those who suffer from certain diseases, because of this it's a negative effect on their health, especially the kidneys. But does this mean that eating red meat is not healthy? Here is the answer from our site.


Eating meat in moderation


Eating meat in moderation falls within a healthy diet, but the problem lies as spelled researchers organizers of the studies people who do not determine the quota intake and quantities of this meat, Valonsp to avoid cancer is to eat no more than 510 grams of red meat on a monthly basis, due to frequent dealt with a higher risk of some cancers such as kidney cancer link.


It is the effect of eating red meat on kidney health in Mtnaouliha incidence of chronic kidney disease Chronic kidney disease ever to spread throughout the world, and many of the chronic kidney disease patients develop injury they have to reach the final stages of the disease, which become need a kidney transplant or undergo kidney dialysis is Continuous.


Thereby reducing protein intake by chronic kidney disease patients is necessary to slow the progression of the disease and get to the final stages of it, and to make sure the type of the protein and its effect on the incidence of chronic kidney disease. While the protein from other materials of different foods and food intake of red meat did not affect the incidence of chronic kidney disease, and these fish, eggs foods.


Vegetable protein to replace animal protein


In contrast, the researchers stressed that people eat a certain amount of protein, but it is worth the chronic kidney disease patients replace animal protein Ballenbati, as the replacement of animal protein Ballenbati, no one serving a week, reduces the risk of developing late stages of chronic kidney patients by about 62% , so be careful of it.

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